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A non-profit foundation co-founded in 1974 with Anita Contini which had two goals. One was to provide artists with working space and grants to produce large-scle work in a non-competitive communal environment. Two to bring art to the community at lagre by creating a sculpture park.
Socrates Sculpture Park was an abandoned riverside landfill and illegal dumpsite until 1986 when a coalition of artists and community members, under the leadership of artist Mark di Suvero, transformed it into an open studio and exhibition space for artists and a neighborhood park for local residents. Today it is an internationally renowned outdoor museum and artist residency program that also serves as a vital New York City park offering a wide variety of public services.
Click here for more information.
A residency and exhibition program encouraging experimental creation within his French studio grounds in Chalon-sur-SaƓne
Click here for more information
Copyright permission for reproduction of di Suvero's works must be obtained from sophie@barbarahepworth.org.uk
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